Why are we not growing food instead of lawns, and really radicalizing our food system? How do we make decisions and act faster with consensus governance?
Better Worlds guest Rieki Cordon explores these questions and more with Better Worlds Host Paul Muts.
Rieki is a catalyst and Map Maker with SEEDS and the Regenerative Renaissance in the co-creation of a new economic system. He worked with Hypha.earth to build tools for DAOs. His experience and focus is in tokenomics, decentralized governance, facilitation, holding space and co-creating through inspiration. Currently he is working with the Regenerative Civics Alliance, a global decentralized alliance of organizations and place-based pilot projects focused on supporting global transition to regenerative cultures. These efforts are focused on circular economies and communities that take care of each other and the planet through decentralized governance, and to move beyond capitalism to create better worlds. Rieki discusses the launch of SEEDS 2.0, and the distribution of the seeds currency.