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Nature ISOceansClimateMRV

Epic Ocean Journeys Blend Science and Adventure

From climate regulation to nutrient cycling, oxygen production, and ecosystem connectivity, the global ocean plays a crucial role in maintaining and regulating the overall health of our planet.

In the latest episode of the Nature IS, we welcome two guests embarking on incredible ocean expeditions this summer - Dr. Kat Bruce, Founder of NatureMetrics, and Keith Tuffley, CEO of NEUW Ventures.

On a mission to help humanity learn from the ocean and her creatures, Kat and Keith embark on two separate but equally impressive ocean journeys. They’ll be collecting biodiversity, pollution, and climate data to offer a detailed picture of the health of our ocean and, importantly, what can be done to ‘turn the tide’ on human practices that are detrimental to this life-giving body of water.

Dr. Kat Bruce, an ecologist turned "accidental entrepreneur", will be part of a six-woman crew rowing around Great Britain (GB) for six weeks starting on 9 June. Sea Change Row initiative is part of the GB Row Challenge using specially outfitted ocean rowing boats to collect environmental data (e-DNA). 

As the crew makes their way around the 2,000-mile circumference of Great Britain, they'll be taking samples of e-DNA, microplastics, underwater sound recordings, sea surface temperature, and salinity readings. This comprehensive data set will provide an unprecedented picture of biodiversity and ocean health around the country. 

In addition to the science, the Sea Change Row aims to highlight and share stories of people and organizations working to regenerate, protect, and restore the ocean through a sustainable "blue economy". Dr. Bruce hopes this storytelling will inspire people to make consumer choices that support ocean conservation.

Commencing at the same time, Keith Tuffley’s Ocean Science Expedition will be sailing through the Northwest Passage, starting from Norway and onto Iceland, Greenland, Canada, and finishing in Alaska. The journey will take three months and is focused on raising awareness about the six planetary "Tipping Points" in the Arctic region being driven by climate change. These tipping points can trigger self-perpetuating warming cycles with global impacts, such as melting sea ice. 

Keith's expedition will be part of a documentary series and feature film bringing the tipping point concept to life for viewers worldwide, while also collecting a similar set of scientific measurements to the Sea Change Row, including e-DNA, sound, and microplastics. Of note is Kat’s company NatureMetrics is donating the e-DNA sampling kits in another wonderful synergy between the ocean excursions!

Both expeditions represent an exciting blend of science, adventure, storytelling, and awareness-raising. They aim to help people understand humanity's deep connection to the ocean and the urgency of protecting it. 

Listeners can follow along on the expeditions' websites, social media channels, and live boat trackers. For now, we wish both crews smooth sailing and look forward to hosting them upon their return to hear about their extraordinary adventures.

Ocean Science Expedition

Sea Change Row

Lara Birkes

My mission is to help individuals and organizations understand our reliance on the natural world, and to adopt behaviors that allow our planet to flourish.

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