Canay Atalay is a business visionary and transformation catalyst. Her mission is to awaken and inspire leaders to business' power as the leading force for good in the world, in order to create unprecedented levels of wellbeing for all life. She is a seasoned entrepreneur, keynote speaker and conscious business designer, cultural innovation strategist, facilitator and leadership mentor.
Canay is a business visionary and change catalyst. She has a deep knowing that when we wake up to business' power as the leading force for good in the world- we can create unprecedented levels of wellbeing for all life.

With her wealth of experience in business and academia, she developed methods, tools and learning programs like "5D Conscious Business Design" and "5D Values" to make evolution an everyday focus, in business and community settings. In 2020 she initiated The Heroines and in 2021 RegenerateX and is currently fully focused, through these platforms, on the transformation of leadership towards a regenerative economy.