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6.5 Million people displaced in Ukraine. Can Web3 tech and DAOs mitigate catastrophic loss and impact?

6.5 Million people displaced in Ukraine. Can Web3 tech and DAOs mitigate catastrophic loss and impact?

Hosted by Paul Michael Muts with guest Yev Muchnik, Launch Legal

Yev Muchnik is an experienced corporate and securities attorney with a focus on early and growth stage, mission-forward technology companies. She is a founding partner of Launch Legal, a Denver, Colorado headquartered law firm and Of Counsel at Jason Wiener, P.C.

Yev has been a leader in helping create legal frameworks for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO’s).  She has written extensively on the Colorado DAO co-op.  She believes that just as startups from all over the world choose Delaware as a preferred jurisdiction for incorporation, the same will be true for DAO’s in Colorado under the Limited Cooperative Association (LCA) structure.  One does not need to reside in Colorado, or even the United States, to form a Colorado LCA4, making it even more appropriate for global decentralized networks.

The LCA is a hybrid between a limited liability company (LLC) and a corporation. It is an entity built on the law of unincorporated entities. Like LLCs, it allows for investor members, returns on investment to patrons and non-patrons, and voting rights for investors, while adhering to cooperative principles. Where it differs from an LLC is in the distribution of financial returns based on patronage activity, voting based on membership (one-member, one vote) or based on patronage, which allows for the integration of DAO based governance principles, such as rage quitting and quadratic voting.

Yev was not only selected to lead-off the launch of Better World’s podcast series because of her expertise in Web3 and DAO structures, but also because she is a Ukrainian-American that is one of the founders of Ukraine United DAO, a DAO aims to support the buildout of web3 products and services to assist during this crisis and future such crises, which includes a hackathon called “Hack for Ukraine.” Yev has also worked with Ukraine DAO and Unchain Fund to raise and deploy cryptocurrency directly to those affected by the war.  Better Worlds is proud to support the launch of Ukraine United DAO as a fitting example of the Power of the DAO to help build a better world.

Ukraine United DAO is focused on mobilizing the web3 tech and development community to engage in building web3 products and services to assist during this crisis and future crises, including the roll out of our hackathon — Hack for Ukraine.

Ukraine United DAO in collaboration with UkraineDAO  for more information.

Paul Michael Muts

Paul's mission to inspire, educate, and motivate the next generation of leaders.

Website Tulsa, Oklahoma



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